Upload New File, Freeware or Payware:

Required Fields:

Your e-mail:

Title of your Download:
This is the name that customers see when purchasing your products.
Please choose carefully.

Category ( e.g. FSX Airplane or Airplane picture ):

Thumbnail (150 x 90 px ):

Zip File upload:
Please ensure upload files include correct credits.
Please ensure permission is obtained where required.

Voluntary Fields:

Description ( when not in Zip File ):

Your Name:

YouTube Link:

Your website:

Your support e-mail ( when different to your e-mail ):

Picture 1 in ZIP, JPG or PNG:

Picture 2 in ZIP, JPG or PNG:

Picture 3 in ZIP, JPG or PNG:

Is your download for private or commercially use ?

Download is for private use only
Download is for commercially use only
Download is for private or commercially use

Freeware or Payware ?

Download is Freeware for free
Download is Payware for sale

When your download is Payware:

PayPal E-Mail Address:

Price of your download ( without VAT in Euro):

Description about your company ( voluntary field ):

Flugagentur-Ihr Erlebnisportal in der Luft, aber auch am Bodem und im Wasser

Dear Developer, Author, Publisher, Manufacturer or Photographer

Are you a Developer, Author, Publisher, Manufacturer or Photographer of Aeronautics? If you are a Developer, Author, Publisher, Manufacturer or Photographer software, flight simulator add-ons or airplane pictures or videos, you can upload your File or Pictures sell them in AFS-aero.de Download archive. You can upload your products for Freeware or Payware. Your Freeware or Payware will appear in our new products listings on our AFS-aero.de web site.

What is AFS-aero.de ?

  • AFS-aero is a central place for hobbyists and professionals to download aeronautic and simulation software and aeronautic media.
  • AFS-aero is a central place for Developers, Authors, Publishers, Manufacturers and Photographers to upload their products by using the AFS-aero Networks potential in a truly free environment.
  • AFS-aero is a non-risk affair for Developer, Author, Publisher, Manufacturer or Photographer as we work under the principle:
    no sale = no cost.

Why AFS-aero.de ?

AFS-aero Company is a place aeronatical software downloads, Add-Ons for the Flight Simulator, Video 3d editing production for movies in TV, Internet and cinema with record landscape simulation, adventure and sightseeing flight and an center of fixed base 3d flight simulator for Eurofighter and Airbus A380. This is a very good place for your download. Then you win new customers through us.

Sell your software, documents or videos !

When you upload your product for payware, then we will promote your products in exchange for a percentage of the purchase price. All we are asking of Developers, Authors, Publishers, Manufacturers or Photographers is 30% of sales. So that means we pay you 70% of sales revenues achievedthrough our download store. We pay automatically and immediately after customer download via PayPal your 70% to your PayPal e-mail address. For PayPal see here: https://www.paypal.com

Sell your pictures !

  • Sell your aviation pictures via AFS-aero.
  • We put on sale in a resolution in 600 px.
  • Our customers buy the pictures in high resolution.
  • You can sale civil, military, concept or art aviation pictures.
  • You can decide for private or commercially use.
  • We pay you 70% of sales revenues achievedthrough.

Would you like to contact us without obligation?

Please write us an e-mail: am@afs-aero.de ... >> Ask AFS-aero.de


AFS-aero -flug -sim -design -film